

Attitude test

Assalamualaikum semua.

Hari ni sebab bosan sangat, kakchik cek semua akaun maya yang kakchik ada. Bila masuk facebook, ada kawan sekolah 'nominate' kakchik untuk 'attitude test'.

Hmmm.... cubalah ajelah. Dan inilah jawapannya:

calm and quiet
you are the sort of person who likes to take life slowly... just one day at a time.. you usually know the differnce between right and wrong. you believe in yourself. you put yourself in other peoples shoes and see howit feels to be them and then handle a situation accordingly.your attitude towards life is very positive.... you are liked by all and are a great friend.the flip side is that sometimes you care too much about other people and dont do what you really wanna do..

Entah betul ke tidak ujian ni. Tapi selepas menjawab 7 soalan, pihak penguji memberikan jawapan di atas. Dalam hati, "alhamdulillah" mana yang elok tu, syukurlah dan akan cuba untuk istiqomah. Mana yang kurang elok tu mungkin perlu diubah segera.

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